BMR Calculator

The BMR calculator determines your basal metabolic rate and daily calorie needs based on age, gender, height, and weight.

BMR  =  
Activity Level Calorie
Sedentary (Little or No Exercise):
Lightly Active (1-3 times/week):
Moderately Active (3-5 times/week):
Very Active (6-7 times/week):
Extra Active (Very Intense Exercise Daily, or Physical Job):

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How Does the BMR Calculator Work?

  1. Select the unit type as needed. The tool supports imperial (US or UK) and metric units.
  2. Select your age and gender.
  3. Enter your height and weight based on the selected unit type.
  4. Choose the BMR formula. The tool allows you to calculate BMR using three formulas. Mifflin-St Jeor, Harris-Benedict (Revised), and Katch-McArdle.
  5. Enter your body fat if you calculate BMR using the Katch-McArdle formula.
  6. After inputting all the values, press the 'Calculate' button to generate results.
  7. Lastly, the tool returns your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) and daily calorie needs according to your activity level.
  8. For new BMR calculations, press the 'Reset' button.

How to Calculate BMR?

The BMR is calculated using the following formulas:

1. Mifflin-St Jeor:

For Men:

10 × weight(kg) + 6.25 × height(cm) – 5 × age + 5

For Women:

10 × weight(kg) + 6.25 × height(cm) – 5 × age - 161

2. Harris-Benedict Equation (Revised):

For Men:

13.397 × weight(kg) + 4.799 × height(cm) – 5.677 × age + 88.362

For Women:

9.247 × weight(kg) + 3.098 × height(cm) – 4.330 × age - 447.593

3. Katch-McArdle:

For Men and Women:

370 + 21.6 × (1 - body fat(%) / 100) × weight(kg)