The BMR calculator determines your basal metabolic rate and daily calorie needs based on age, gender, height, and weight.
The BMR is calculated using the following formulas:
For Men:
10 × weight(kg) + 6.25 × height(cm) – 5 × age + 5
For Women:
10 × weight(kg) + 6.25 × height(cm) – 5 × age - 161
For Men:
13.397 × weight(kg) + 4.799 × height(cm) – 5.677 × age + 88.362
For Women:
9.247 × weight(kg) + 3.098 × height(cm) – 4.330 × age - 447.593
For Men and Women:
370 + 21.6 × (1 - body fat(%) / 100) × weight(kg)